
The Executive Agency for Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovation Funding (UEFISCDI)

Executive Agency for Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovation Funding (UEFISCDI) is a public institution with legal personality in the subordination of the Romanian Ministry of Education, Research, Youth and Sports (MECTS), and providing its full assistance to the Ministry advisory councils with responsibilities in higher education, scientific research, development and innovation.

Mission: promote quality leadership for higher education, research, development and innovation.

- manages the activities of the executive advisory councils on higher education, scientific research, development and innovation;
- coordinates, under the guidance of the scientific councils, the programs of the National Plan for Research, Development and Innovation (PNCDI II);
- elaborates and implements systemic and institutional development projects for higher education, research, development and innovation.

UEFISCDI is supported by EUA as partner in the strategic projects: "Doctoral Studies in Romania - Organisation of the Doctoral Schools" and "Quality and Leadership for the Romanian Higher Education".

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