Bio notes

General Rapporteur

Sir Peter Scott Professor Sir Peter Scott is Former Vice-Chancellor of Kingston University and was a member of the Board of the Higher Education Funding Council for England. After reading History at Merton College, Oxford, he began his career as a leader writer at the Times. In 1976 he became Editor of the Times Higher Education Supplement and remained so until his appointment in 1992 as Professor of Education and Director of the Centre for Policy Studies in Education at the University of Leeds. He was later appointed Pro Vice-Chancellor for External Affairs at Leeds. In 1997 he took over as Vice-Chancellor at Kingston. Professor Scott has published a number of books on the subject of governance and management of higher education institutions, including University Leadership: The Role of the Chief Executive (2000) and Re-Thinking Science: Knowledge Production in an Age of Uncertainties (2001). He is a Member of the Academia Europea and of the Academy of Learned Societies for the Social Sciences. He was knighted at the New Year's Honours, 2006.

Welcome address

Daniel Petru FUNERIU is the Minister for Education, Research, Youth and Sports in Romania since December 2009 and an elected member of the European Parliament.
From 2006 to 2009 he was the Team Leader for a Marie Curie Excellence grant project at Munchen Technical University and Principal Investigator for IGGSE (International Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Technical University Munchen). Daniel Funeriu was a scientific Researcher and Project Leader at National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Osaka, Japan from 2001 until 2006 and earlier from 1999 to 2001 he was a Researcher at Scripps Research Institute, La Jolla, California.
Daniel Funeriu holds a PhD in Chemistry from Louis Pasteur University, Strasbourg with a thesis elaborated under the coordination of Prof. J.-M. Lehn.

Alain Beretz - Professor Beretz is a graduate in Pharmacology. He was awarded a Post-doctorate at the Weizman Institute of Science (Rehovot, Isarel). Since 1990, he is a member of the Pharmacology faculty of the University of Strasbourg.
As a professor of pharmacology, he participated in teaching of molecular pharmacology and therapeutics in pharmacy for master degrees. His research deals with thrombotic disorders, vascular pharmacology and chronic vascular diseases
He was Vice-President in charge of technology transfer, and then President of the Louis Pasteur University in Strasbourg. He was elected in January 2009 as the first president of the University of Strasbourg, resulting from the innovative merger of the three previous universities. He faces the challenge of managing the biggest, most multidisciplinary French university, while at the same time implementing the new law on autonomy of universities. He is also supervising two major projects essential for the future of this institution: the "Operation campus", where the University obtained a 375 million euro endowment for improvement of campus buildings, and "Investments for the future", and "Excellence Initiative", a series of competitive call for projects which could yield a total of 1.8 billion euro of endowment. The University of Strasbourg is one of the first three winners of "Excellence Initiative" competition.
He is one of the 3 members of the Board of Directors of the League of European Research Universities (LERU).

Prof. Georg Winckler studied economics at Princeton University and at the University of Vienna, PhD 1968. Since 1978 he has been Professor of Economics and from October 1, 1999 to September 30, 2011 Rector of the University of Vienna. He was President of the Austrian Rectors' Conference and Vice President and President of the EUA. Since April 2008 he has been a member of ERAB and, since February 2009, Member of the PEOPLE Advisory Group, European Commission, Brussels.

Thematic Coordinators and Editorial Board Members

Adrian Curaj is professor at the Polytechnic University of Bucharest (UPB) and the Director of the Strategic Management and Quality Assurance in Higher Education Center at UPB. He earned his PhD. from the Polytechnic University of Bucharest, in the field of Automatic Systems in 1998 and graduated the EMBA programme at ASEBUSS Bucharest and Seattle-Business School.
Adrian Curaj is General Director of the Executive Agency for Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovation Funding (UEFISCDI) from September 2010. He was the General Director of the Executive Agency for Higher Education and Research Funding between 2000-2007 and 2008 -2009. He was Advisor for the Prime Minister from 2007 to 2008 on Science, Technologies, ICT and e-Governance. Between 2009 -2010 he was President of the National Authority for Scientific Research within the Ministry of Education, Research, Youth and Sports. Adrian Curaj was a Consultant for World Bank, UNESCO, UNIDO and European Commission in the field of Third Education, Science and Innovation, as well as Foresight. He is currently a member of External Advisory Board PEOPLE, European Commission from 2007.
Adrian Curaj published several books and articles in important scientific journals, on the topics of research management and foresight. He is co-author to one of the invention that won the gold medal at the International Exhibition of Inventions in Geneva. For his significant contribution in Science and Innovation, Adrian Curaj received two distinctions granted by the Romanian President, the National Order for Merit in rank of Knight in 2000 and the National Order for Merit in rank of Grand Officer in 2008.

Peter van der Hijden works for the European Commission in the Skills Unit of DG Research and Innovation. Dossiers of the unit include university funding, human resources strategies, research performance assessment, training, career and mobility of researchers, all contributing to the creation of the 'Innovation Union' and the European Research Area (ERA).
Peter has worked for the European Commission in the field of transport (inland waterways), but his main experience lies in higher education and research: the Erasmus Programme, the modernisation agenda for universities, the European Higher Education Area (Bologna Process) and the European Research Area. Peter has studied law at Nymegen, Leyden and Maastricht University. Before moving to Brussels, he worked at the University Council and the Law Research Committee of Maastricht University.

Liviu Matei is CEU's Senior Vice President and Chief Operating Officer, and a Professor at the Department of Public Policy. He served as Academic Secretary of CEU from 1999 to 2008.
Liviu Matei studied philosophy and psychology at Babes-Bolyai University Cluj, and Sociology at Bucharest University, Romania. He received his PhD from the latter. He benefited from fellowships at the Institut Superieure de Formation Sociale et Communication Bruxelles, New School University, Universite Paris X Nanterre, Universite de Savoie, and the Salzburg Seminar. He started his academic career as a lecturer of social psychology at Babes-Bolyai University and combined research on ethnic minorities, civil society and higher education with civic engagement and professional work in these areas. He worked with several national and international NGOs, governmental and intergovernmental organizations.
Liviu Matei developed a particular interest in higher education policy, as a researcher and a practitioner. He worked as a Director General for International Relations at the Romanian Ministry of Education, consulted for UNESCO, OSCE, and the Council of Europe, served as co-chair of the Working Group for Higher Education of the Stability Pact for South East Europe and also on the steering committee of the UNESCO-EU Project on Management of Higher Education in South-East Europe. He has been active in several research/policy projects of the European University Association.

Robin Middlehurst is Professor of Higher Education at Kingston University, attached to the Vice Chancellor's Office. From May 1st 2004, she has also been on half-time secondment to the Leadership Foundation for Higher Education (LFHE) as Director of Strategy, Research and International, being responsible for commissioning the Foundation's programme of research and leading the development of the Foundation's international strategy which supports the internationalisation agenda of the UK higher education sector. Robin's own research, teaching and consultancy are focused on higher education policy and practice covering the themes of: Leadership, governance and management and leadership development; quality assurance and enhancement at national and international levels; borderless higher educatio' and internationalisation; the role of the private sector in higher education. Robin has co-directed the UK's Top Management Programme since 1999. She has been a member of governing boards in two universities, one higher education agency and a learned society; she was awarded a Fellowship of the Society for Research into Higher Education in December 2009.

Dr. Sybille Reichert - Director Reichert Consulting: Policy and Strategy Development in Higher Education, Zurich & Bamberg
Since her Ph.D. from Yale University (1994), Sybille Reichert has been working as a Higher Education analyst, focussing on issues of institutional development, internationalisation and organisational reform at universities and on higher education policy development in Europe. After three years at ETH Zurich as head of strategic planning, Reichert has been directing her own consultancy firm since 2004 ( Her mandates, which usually bring together institutional development issues with wider international trends and debates on higher education policy and reform, comprise a wide range of institutions and countries all over Europe, from individual universities to national ministries, rectors' conferences or European organisations such as the European University Association (EUA) or the League of European Research Universities (LERU). Reichert also participates frequently in formative University Evaluations, at faculty, institutional and system level. Reichert is a senior advisor of the European University Association, a member of the Catalan Research and Innovation Council and of the Advisory Board of the Konstanz Wissenschaftsforum.
Reichert's larger higher education research studies include the EUA's Trends reports on the implementation of the Bologna Reforms (2003 and 2005), comparative studies of Research Strategy Development at European universities (2006), University Continuing Education (2007), the role of universities in Knowledge Regions (2007), the challenges of inter-institutional cooperation (2009) and of higher education systems' approaches to institutional diversity (2010).
In her strategy and institutional development work, Reichert has served a wide range of universities in Germany, France, Spain, Norway and Ireland, including reform projects (e.g. regarding doctoral education or continuing education) or strategy development projects (e.g. in the context of the German or French excellence initiative).

Ziauddin Sardar, writer, broadcaster and cultural critic, is visiting Professor of Postcolonial Studies at School of Arts, the City University, London. He is the author of over 45 books, including his classic studies, The Future of Muslim Civilisation (1979) and Islamic Futures: The Shape of Ideas to Come (1985), the cultish Postmodernism and the Other (1998), and the international bestseller Why Do People Hate America? (2002). A collection of his writings is available as Islam, Postmodernism and Other Futures: A Ziauddin Sardar Reader (2003) and How Do You Know?: Reading Ziauddin Sardar on Islam, Science and Cultural Relations (2006). His two volumes of autobiographies, Desperately Seeking Paradise: Journeys of a Sceptical Muslim and Balti Britain: A Provocative Journey Through Asian British, have received wide acclaim. He is the Editor of Futures, a Commissioner on the Equality and Human Rights Commission. He is widely known for his radio and television appearances.

Hanne Smidt, European University Association EUA senior adviser, co-author of the publication "Engaging in Lifelong Learning - Shaping Inclusive and Responsive University Strategies"
Hanne Smidt has been a Senior Adviser at EUA since 2002 and has been involved in a wide range of projects that EUA has undertaken: Quality Culture, Joint Masters, Doctoral Programmes, Creativity and the Master study. She was one of the co-author of several studies and has been involved in the evaluation on the progress of the Bologna Process through the EUA Trends studies, in particular TRENDS V and TRENDS 2010.
The development of the Lifelong Learning agenda and the "European universities charter on lifelong learning" has been a core issue for her and she has, in this context, contributed to the Bologna Handbook with an article: "Do European universities have a strategy for lifelong learning?" She was the General Rapporteur at the EUA Rotterdam Conference "Inclusive and Responsive Universities", 2008, has been involved in the SIRUS project and is co-author of the publication "Engaging in Lifelong Learning - Shaping Inclusive and Responsive University Strategies". She also runs an independent higher education consultancy in Sweden.
Hanne Smidt started her career at Aarhus University and worked at the Danish National Rectors' Conference before joining the EC TEMPUS Office in Brussels in 1992. During her years in Brussels she worked as an independent consultant for DG Relex (External Relations), for Danish Universities and for EUA as well as for the Confederation of European Rectors` Conferences.

Andree Sursock is Senior Advisor at the European University Association (EUA). She is the author of the 2010 "Trends" report, which analyses a decade of policy change in European higher education, and is involved in several EUA projects related to quality assurance and lifelong learning. Between 2001 and 2009, she was Deputy Secretary General at EUA, with responsibilities for managing EUA's Institutional Evaluation Programme and QA projects, developing EUA's quality assurance policy position and representing EUA in European and international discussions.
Before joining EUA, she was Director of Development at the Centre for Higher Education Research and Information (Open University, UK), and worked on several European projects related to quality assurance. She taught at a variety of US institutions and held an administrative post at Stanford University. She earned a first degree in philosophy from the University of Paris I - Pantheon Sorbonne and a PhD in social-cultural anthropology from the University of California, Berkeley.

Pedro Nuno Teixeira is Director of CIPES - Center for Higher Education Policy Studies and Associate Professor at the Faculdade de Economia - University of Porto. His research interests focus on the economics of higher education, notably on markets and privatisation, and in the history of economic thought. Recent publications include several articles in economics and higher education journals and his book "Jacob Mincer - A Founding Father of Modern Labour Economics" (Oxford UP, 2007). He has also co-edited three volumes on "Markets in Higher Education - Reality or Rhetoric?" (Kluwer, 2004), on "Cost-Sharing and Accessibility in Higher Education - A Fairer Deal?" (Springer, 2006), and on "Public Vices, Private Virtues - Assessing the Effects of Marketization in Higher Education" (Sense, 2011).

Professor Lazar Vlasceanu is Vice-president of National Council for the Attestation of Academic Titles, University Diplomas and Certificates (CNATDCU) and member of the Council of the Romanian Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ARACIS). He is also a member of the Presidential Commission on the Reform in Education and Research, nominated by the President of Romania and chaired by Professor Mircea Miclea.
He is currently managing a three-year project (2008-2011) focused on the reform of Doctoral education in Romania, that is on the design and piloting of Doctoral Schools in Romanian Universities, while being also involved in a three-year ARACIS project on the development of institutional quality culture in Romanian universities. He also participates in projects of the European University Association (EUA) such as those focused on Bologna TRENDS and developments in the European Higher Education Area and on institutional diversity in the European higher education.
Professor Lazar Vlasceanu is teaching the methodology of sociological research at the University of Bucharest. He is also the director of the Sociology Department within the foregoing institution. Prof. Vlasceanu's fields of interest are related to the subject of transitions in modernity, configurations of recent modernity, the methodology of social research, the sociology of knowledge and the sociology of education. He published studies, articles and volumes addressing themes which are associated to these sociology fields. His last volume is entitled Universities and Reflexive Modernity. Institutional Ambiguities and Unintended Consequences (Budapest & New York, CEU Press, 2010)

Lesley Wilson joined EUA at its creation in 2001 and formally took over as Secretary General in 2002. Previous to this she held a number of senior positions in higher education and research management at European level, in particular as Director of UNESCO's European Centre for Higher Education in Bucharest (UNESCO-CEPES) from 1995 to late 1999, Head of the newly established Science Policy Unit at the European Science Foundation in Strasbourg (1994/1995) and Director of the EC TEMPUS Office in Brussels from 1990 to 1994. A graduate of the University of Glasgow and the Institut des Hautes Etudes Europeennes at the University of Strasbourg she spent her early career as a scientific staff member of the German Science Council in Cologne before moving to Brussels in 1988 to join the newly established ERASMUS Bureau.

Pavel Zgaga is Professor of Philosophy of Education at the University of Ljubljana, Slovenia. During the nineties he was State Secretary for Higher Education and Minister of Education and Sport. After his return to academe, he co-founded the Centre for Educational Policy Studies (CEPS) at the University of Ljubljana and has been its director until today. He has held several research grants and directed national and international projects on education policy, mainly concerned with development of higher education in the contemporary European context. He was also engaged in the Bologna Process, serving as general rapporteur (2001-2003), as a member of the Board of the BFUG (2004-2005) and as the rapporteur of the Working Group on External Dimension of the Bologna Process (2006-2007).

Paper Authors and Respondents

Alberto Amaral is professor at the University of Porto and President of the Portuguese Agency for Assessment and Accreditation of Higher Education (2008 to present). He was the director of the Centre for Higher Education Policy Studies, Portugal (CIPES) (1998-2008) and a former rector of Universidade do Porto (1986-1998). He is the author of papers on higher education policy and editor and co-editor of several books, including From Governance to Identity - A festschrift for Mary Henkel (2008); European Integration and the Governance of Higher Education and Research (2009).

Liviu Andreescu is associate professor at the Faculty of Letters, Spiru Haret University, where he teaches American Studies. He has worked as a higher education expert for UEFISCDI, authored a book on academic freedom, and published articles on higher education, religious policy (in education, among others), and American culture and literature.

Enora Bennetot Pruvot joined the European University Association (EUA) in 2008. Within the Unit Governance, Autonomy and Funding, she focuses on income diversification in universities, and is also closely associated to work on autonomy and governance reforms. In her function of Programme Manager, she contributes to policy development in the field of higher education finances and has published on the topic of financial sustainability ("Financially sustainable universities II: European universities diversifying income sources", EUA, 2011). Before joining EUA, Enora gained experience in the field of European research and development policy, working on several FP7 projects.
Enora holds master degrees in Political Science and European Public Affairs, and a Master of Arts in European Political and Administrative Studies of the College of Europe in Bruges.

Mert Bilgin is a professor of international relations at Bahcesehir University in Istanbul, and an editorial board member of Futures. He holds a Ph.D. in Political Science from METU in Ankara; and a second Ph.D. in Socio-Economy of Development from L'EHESS in Paris. He extensively publishes on international political economy, energy issues, and futures. He speaks Turkish, English and French, and possesses basic command of Russian and German.

John Brennan - Professor of Higher Education at the Open University since 1992. Directed many research projects, national and international, on the changing relationships between higher education and society, with foci on topics such as graduate employment, quality assurance, regional impact of universities, social equity issues, and the social contexts of student learning. Several books on these themes. A sociologist by background.

Joshua Castellino is from Mumbai, India, and is currently Professor of Law, Head of the Law Department at Middlesex University, London, and Adjunct Professor of Law at the National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland. He has held visiting academic positions in Ireland, Spain, and Italy. He worked as a journalist in Mumbai with the Indian Express Group and completed his PhD in International Law in 1998. He has authored five books in international law and human rights law, on a range of subjects including self-determination, title to territory and indigenous peoples' rights. He is currently completing the third, in a five-book series published by Oxford University Press, on issues concerning Global Minority Rights, International and Comparative Law. He was part of the EU-China Experts & Diplomatic Dialogue and Lawyers for the New Millennium: Support for the Arab Law Union, regularly engages with multilateral organisations such as the United Nations and the Council of Europe and with Law Societies and NGOs in Europe, Asia, the Middle East and Latin America, on issues of human rights advocacy and public international law.

Anne Corbett is the author of "Universities and the Europe of Knowledge: Ideas, Institutions and Policy Entrepreneurship in EU Higher Education Policy" (Palgrave 2005), and numerous academic papers. Formerly a journalist in England and France, she switched to academic research after gaining a PhD in political science in 2002. Her research interests are in the policies and politics of higher education at European level, the evolution of the EHEA and the better theorising of the policy process.

Jeremy Cox became the AEC's Chief Executive in January 2011. Prior to this, he was Dean of the Royal College of Music in London.
Jeremy has been involved in European developments in higher music education since the start of the Bologna Process and was the chief architect of the AEC's "Polifonia" Learning Outcomes. He has written AEC guides on Curriculum Design & Development and on Admissions & Assessment, and has Chaired evaluations of several higher music education institutions across Europe.

Jim Dator is Professor and Director of the Hawaii Research Center for Futures Studies, Department of Political Science, and Adjunct Professor, the College of Architecture, and the Center for Japanese Studies, of the University of Hawaii; Co-Chair, Space and Society Division, International Space University, Strasbourg, France; former President, World Futures Studies Federation. He taught at Rikkyo University (Tokyo, for six years), Virginia Tech, University of Toronto, and the InterUniversity Consortium for Postgraduate Studies, Dubrovnik.

Marina Elias - Lecture of Sociology of Education at Department of Sociological Theory at Barcelona University and researcher at GRET (Research group of Education and Work) in Sociology Department of UAB.
Research about Higher Education, focus on Bologna Process. Consequences for teachers and students: different profiles, dropouts, learning process etc. From February 2011 to July 2011 I did a six month post doctorate fellowship at Centre for Higher Education Research and Information, Open University (London).

Irina Ferencz (nee Lungu) joined the Academic Cooperation Association (ACA) in 2009, as Policy Officer. She has been, ever since, involved in a variety of ACA projects and has been coordinating the planning of several ACA European Policy Seminars (EPS). Her past activities also include contributions (as co-editor) to the forthcoming study Mapping mobility in European higher education (previously referred to as EURODATA II) and the co-authorship of ACA's Handbook of International Associations in Higher Education (2009). Currently, Irina is coordinating the ENPMOB study - a comparative analysis of European and national-level policies and practices on academic mobility, with a focus on elements of convergence and divergence between the two levels. She is also actively involved in the IMPI project, coordinated by CHE Consult, which is to build a toolkit of indicators for mapping and profiling the internationalisation strategies and processes of European HEIs. Irina, who is a Romanian national, studied International Relations and European Studies at the Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca and obtained a Master's degree in European Politics and Policies at the Katholieke Universiteit, Leuven. She is currently also pursuing a PhD at the University of Kassel, Germany.

Bogdan Florian holds a PhD degree in political science with a focus on public policy and higher education policy. Over the past years he has authored and co-authored a number of papers in the field of higher education research and also has been a member of policy proposal teams working in the field of quality assurance in higher education. Currently he is affiliated to the Institute for Education Sciences in Bucharest.

Sacha Garben, fellow at the law department of the London School of Economics and Political Science, studied at Maastricht University, the College of Europe in Bruges, and completed her PhD at the European University Institute in Florence entitled EU Higher Education Law - The Bologna Process and Harmonization by Stealth, which was published by Kluwer in 2011. She also spent a semester at Harvard Law School as a visiting researcher. Prior to joining LSE in September 2011, Sacha worked at the European Court of Justice in Luxembourg.

Marcel Gerard - Professor of Economics and Taxation President of the Research Council, FUCaM, Universite catholique de Louvain College of Europe, Bruges, FUSL, Brussels CESifo Fellow and Research Professor Ifo.

Koen Geven is a student in the Erasmus Mundus Master on Public Policy at the University of York (United Kingdom) and Central European University (Hungary). He has a BSc in Political Science from the University of Amsterdam, and did an Erasmus period at Sciences Po Paris (France). Koen was a member of the National Executive Committee of the Dutch student union (LSVb) from 2004-2005 and was chairperson of the European Students' Union from 2007-2008. He is involved in several processes related to higher education reform in the Netherlands and in Europe.

Radu Gheorghiu received the university degree in 1998 at the Academy of Economic Studies - Bucharest, and PhD degree in 2010 at the National Institute of Economic Research. Becoming a researcher at the Institute of World Economy in Bucharest in 1998, starting 2003 he has been running the "Competitiveness and Innovation" Department. Since 2004 he has been working with the Executive Agency for Higher Education in different national and international foresight projects, the most important ones being related to the future the Romanian research and development and Romanian higher education systems.

Mihaela Ghisa is a PhD candidate at the University of Bucharest. Her interest of research is foresight-future studies. She has been a member of the team which organized a foresight exercise for the future of higher education in Romania (QLHE project) and a visiting researcher at Manchester Institute for Innovation Research. Prior to that she has worked in consulting for international financing. FOHE-BPRH, that takes place at the end of an impressive foresight exercise for higher education in Romania, can become a reference in foresight - future studies when it comes to a topic as grand challenges for education, learning, academic research in a new knowledge era. "Alternative futures" approach is meant challenge higher education institutions to find futures research capabilities to build visions and then ways towards the desired visions.

Dr. Jennifer Gidley is a psychologist, educator and futures researcher. She is President of the World Futures Studies Federation and a Research Fellow in the Global Cities Research Institute, RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia. Jennifer is research interests include educational futures, rapid global socio-cultural change, and global knowledge futures. Publications include The University in Transformation (2000), Youth Futures (2002) and Futures in Education (2004) and special issues Futures on "Global Mindset Changen" (2010) and "Educational Futures" (2011).

Roumiana Gotseva is founding partner at Foresight Alliance, a futures consulting firm based in Washington DC, and managing director at the Center for Strategic Foresight - a consulting group dedicated to government and corporate foresight in Bulgaria and the region.
Roumiana has global business experience working as consulting futurist, foresight practitioner, strategy consultant, project manager, workshop facilitator and trainer. She designs and leads strategic foresight projects, tailoring the engagement to the client's unique organizational reality and culture to enhance innovation and strategic decision-making. Roumiana has worked successfully with diverse clients such as PepsiCo, Kraft, Cadbury PLC, Marriott International, BP, Kellogg, AARP, Anglo-American, General Dynamics, GEC Ferranti, British Aerospace, British Nuclear Fuels; the European Commission (IST, e-Content and Phare programs); government agencies in the US, UK, Austria, Netherlands, Slovenia, Romania, Lithuania, Macedonia, Bulgaria; and in academia.
A Ron Brown fellow, Roumiana holds an MBA from University of Minnesota's Carlson School of Management, and has completed the post-graduate curriculum in Studies of the Future at the University of Houston. Roumiana is a reviewer for the professional journal Futures, a member of the Association of Professional Futurists and the World Future Society.

Attila Havas is a Senior Research Fellow at the Institute of Economics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences. His academic interests are in economics of innovation, innovation policy, and technology foresight. In 1997-2000 he was Programme Director of TEP, the Hungarian Technology Foresight Programme. He has participated in international research projects on STI policies, innovation, foresight and prospective analyses, and been a member of several EU expert groups.

Professor Ellen Hazelkorn is Director of Research and Enterprise, Dublin Institute of Technology, and leads the Higher Education Policy Research Unit. She is Consultant to the OECD, and works closely with UNESCO and IAU. She is a member of the HEA, and chairs the Dublin Regional Higher Education Alliance. Ellen has been a member of higher education review teams in Spain, Netherlands, Australia, Poland, Germany and Finland. She is Visiting Professor, University of Liverpool, and a member of several Editorial Boards. Rankings and the Reshaping of Higher Education: The Battle for World-Class Excellence was published by Palgrave Macmillan (2011).

Ute Helene von Reibnitz, founder of SCENARIOS + VISION, management consultant, coach, working since more than 30 years in Foresight methodology development and application with clients in Europe, Middle East, Asia and USA. She has written 3 books and many articles on foresight; see website Before she was working with Battelle-Institute and UNISYS in Frankfurt. She is an economist and innovation manager, TH Darmstadt, Germany.

Dr Achim Hopbach - Before taking his current post as Managing Director of the German Accreditation Council in 2005, he was a Research-Assistant at University of Tubingen and Managing Director of a faculty at Heidelberg University. Afterwards he joined the German Rectors' Conference as head of "The Quality Assurance Project".
Achim Hopbach is a member of the Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications since 2005, and President of ENQA since 2009.
He published numerous articles on the Bologna process, quality assurance and qualifications frameworks.

Michael Horig is Head of Section for Central and West Africa at the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). This section is also responsible for the Centres of African Excellence and the African Good Governance Network. Previously Michael worked for the European University Association in Brussels (2006-2010) and the National Union of Students in Flanders (2003-2006). Michael has a International Relations Master-level degree from Ghent University (Belgium).

Hugo Horta completed his PhD in Management and Industrial Engineering at the Instituto Superior .Tecnico (IST), Technical University of Lisbon, in 2007. His Ph.D thesis focused on funding, diversity and autonomy of academic research in the scope of an evolving global knowledge infrastructure. The Ph.D was carried both in Portugal at the Center for Innovation, Technology and Policy Research (IN+), and abroad at the Engineering and Public Policy Department (EPP), Carnegie Mellon University, in the US and at the Center for Higher Education Policy Studies (CHEPS), University of Twente, in the Netherlands. After concluding his Ph.D, Hugo Horta started a post-doc focusing on the study of academic inbreeding in Portugal and Japan, through a joint project involving the Centro de Investigacao e Estudos de Sociologia, ISCTE, Portugal and the Center for the Advancement of Higher Education (CAHE), Tohoku University, Japan. Throughout this period, he published articles focused higher education diversity, scientific policies and funding, comparative scientific national structures, scientific productivity, internationalization of higher education, and academic mobility in international peer-reviewed journals, such as Management Science, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Science and Public Policy, Higher Education, Higher Education Policy, Studies in Social Science and Asia Pacific Education Review. He is on the editorial boards of the Mexican Journal of Research in Education and Asian Pacific Education Review. He also co-edited two books and a special issue on "Academic knowledge production, diffusion and commercialization: policies, practices and perspectives" published in 2011, at Science and Public Policy. Currently, he is working in academia as a Researcher, and as the Portuguese National delegate to the ERA Steering Committee on Human Resources and Mobility.

Michael Huber is Professor of Higher Education Studies at the Institute of Science and Technology Studies at the University of Bielefeld and Research Associate at the Centre for Analysis of Risk and Regulation, London School of Economics. He earned his PhD at the European University Institute in Florence in 1991 and defended his Habilitation at the University of Leipzig in 2005. His main research interests are in the fields of organisational sociology, Higher Education Studies and Risk and Regulation.

Julia Iwinska holds an MA in Public Policy with a concentration in Higher Education Policy and Management. Her MA thesis Tracking International Joint Degree Programs in Hungary discussed the emergence of joint degree programs in Hungary in a broader context of historical developments in international cooperation in higher education in Europe, and global trends in internationalization. Julia currently works at Central European University as Strategic Planning Assistant and coordinates development of the strategic plan. Previously she worked at the European Centre for Strategic Management of Universities (ESMU) in Brussels, where she focused on projects related to benchmarking, modernization and university governance and management. She is an active member of the Higher Education Research Group (HERG) at CEU.

Professor Henrik Toft Jensen is a Professor of Geography at the Roskilde University. He was the Rector of the University from 1989 to February 2006. He was also a member of MOE's International Academic Advisory Panel (IAAP) from 2003 to 2006 and External Review Panel (ERP) of its Quality Assurance Framework for Universities (QAFU) in 2006.
Professor Jensen's other involvement in Roskilde University includes: Associate Professor at Department of Geography, Socio-Economic Analysis and Computer Science (1975), and Head of the Department (1982 - 87).
From 1995 to 2002, Professor Jensen held the position of Head of The National Board of Technology. From 2000 to 2007, he was Head of the Steering Committee of the Institutional Evaluation Programme (IEP) of the European University Association (EUA). He is a member of the extended steering comity of IEP and (since 2007) a member of the register comity of the European Quality Assurance Register (EQAR). He was Head of the Danish Rectors' Conference (2000 to 2002), Chair of the International Board of the Danish Rectors' Conference (2002 to 2006). He is currently the Chair of the staff-student committee of Geography (sionce 2010), chair of the Board of East Danish Tourism (since 2008) and Chair of the Board of Falkonergardens High School (since 1997). Member of the programme committee "regions of knowledge" of the European Union (since 2008).
Professor Jensen was also a member on the board of various committees such as Roskilde Industrial Development Council (from 1987 to 2006), CAT Science Park (Centre for Advanced Technology) (from 1989 to 2006), Administrative Board of International Association of Universities (from 1995 to 2004) and Danish Board of Technology and Innovation (from 2002 to 2008). He is currently serving on the boards of The National Committee of Geography (since 1988), International Association of University Presidents (since 2006) and International Advisory Board of the Babes-Bolyai University, Romania (from 2004).
In June 2004, Nizhny Novgorod Linguistic University conferred the degree of Honorary Doctor of Philosophy upon Professor Jensen.
Prof Jensen graduated from University of Copenhagen with a Masters of Political Science and Geography in 1973. Prior to that, he was Assistant Professor at the University's Department of Geography (from 1968 - 1973).

Dr. Avril Keating is an Anglo-German 'State of the State' Research Fellow at the Department of Politics and International Relations, University of Oxford. This fellowship is awarded to emerging scholars who are conducting research on transformation of the modern state with a focus on Western Europe and/or European integration. Avril's research examines the impact of European integration on the understandings and practices of citizenship, and focuses in particular on the implications for education about citizenship and about young people become citizens in the context of European integration.
Avril has published research on these themes in the Journal of Curriculum Studies, and Citizenship Studies, and she is currently preparing a book manuscript for Palgrave Macmillan.

Manja Klemencic is postdoctoral researcher at the Centre for Educational Policy Studies at University of Ljubljana affiliated with a research project entitled "Differentiation, Equity, Productivity: the social and economic consequences of expanded and differentiated higher education systems - internationalisation aspects" (DEP-08-EuroHESC-OP-016) and funded by the Slovenian Research Agency. Her postdoctoral research broadly focuses on European higher education reform processes, and in particular, on student representation and participation. At present, she is co-editing a volume 'Student Power in Europe' which aims at filling a gap in contemporary research on HE governance by offering a theoretical, historical and most recent comparative empirical investigation on governance of national student representations in Europe. As part of her postdoctoral research she also works on a monograph 'Student Representation in Europe since 1980s'. She has completed PhD in International Studies at University of Cambridge in 2006, and held several research fellowships: at the Center for International Higher Education at Boston College (2010/2011); at Minda de Gunzburg Center for European Studies at Harvard (2007/2008), a Fulbright Fellowship at the Center for Business and Government at Harvard Kennedy School (2004/2005), and, in 2004, a UACES Fellowship at the Centre for European Policy Studies in Brussels. In 2011/12 she joined Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin as a visiting researcher. Between 1999 and 2001, she acted as Secretary-General of ESIB-The National Unions of Students in Europe (now European Students' Union).

Janja Komljenovic holds a degree (University Diploma in Psychology) from University of Ljubljana. Her policy and practical work began already while she was a student representative being involved in national and European higher education policy making. After graduating she was employed at the European University and later on she was an advisor to the Minister of higher education, science and technology. Her main accomplishments there were work on legislative changes for quality assurance in higher education and National Programme for Higher Education 2011-2020. Now she is employed at the University of Ljubljana working on institutional development and quality.
Currently she is a PhD Student in Education Policy and works as a part-time researcher at the Centre for Educational Policy Studies, University of Ljubljana. Her PhD is on 'idea of a university' and university autonomy mentored by Pavel Zgaga (University of Ljubljana) and co-mentored by Steve Fuller (University of Warwick).
Her research interests are mainly: concept of a university, university autonomy, the role of universities in modern society and new circumstances for higher education. She is particularly looking into a university as an institution where old expectations (such as knowledge production and institutional support replacing 'genetic' social reproduction) and new expectations (corporate university and world class initiative) clash.

Renata Kralikova, works with higher education policies for almost 15 years. First as student leader and later as analyst in non-government organization Slovak Governance Institute. In 2009 she was the most cited education expert by Slovak media. Currently she is PhD student and holds Yehuda Elkana Fellowship at Central European University in Budapest. Her research looks at the role of domestic actors in translating international trends in higher education governance into national legislation. Renata is also external advisor on education to the Slovak Prime Minister and she participated in the working group of the Slovak Minister of Education dealing with preparation of the amendment to the Law on Higher Education to be adopted in fall 2011. She is member of supervisory boards of Slovak mobility agency (Slovak Academic Information Agency) and of agency delivering university rankings in Slovakia (Academic Ranking and Rating Agency).

Vinay Lal teaches has taught history at UCLA since 1993 and was Professor of History at University of Delhi, 2010-11. He has published a dozen books and writes widely on Indian politics and history, historiography, colonialism, the life and thought of Gandhi, the Indian diaspora, the politics of knowledge systems, American politics, globalization, & popular and public culture in India. His work has been translated into Korean, Japanese, Finnish, German, French, Kannada, Hindi, Persian, Spanish.

Dr. Asa Lindberg-Sand holds a PhD in Educational Science. Her position is Senior Lecturer at Lund University, Sweden. She has led several quality projects at the university level. Presently she is working as educational developer in the university's Centre for Educational Development with a focus on research education. Her research focuses two domains: Student assessment in higher education and the implementation of the Bologna Process.

Tia Loukkola is responsible for activities related to quality assurance and transparency. This includes the management of EUA's Institutional Evaluation Programme, organising the European Quality Assurance Forum - in co-operation with ENQA, ESU and EURASHE - and EUA's Rankings project, as well as quality assurance projects that aim to promote internal quality assurance in universities. She also represents EUA in the E4 Group's discussions on the European Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance (ESGs).
Before joining EUA in April 2008 she worked at the University of Turku for ten years in various capacities both in faculty and central administration. Most of her work was related to study and international affairs of the university, while she also gained experience in budgeting and human resources. Before moving to EUA, she worked as Planning Officer on strategic management and as Quality Manager of the University.
Tia Loukkola holds a Master's degree in French language and culture with minors in journalism, Spanish language and culture, and comparative literature from the University of Turku.

Magnus Malnes - Academic Affairs Committee in the European Students' Union (ESU) (2010-2012), working mainly with the Bologna Process and EU policies; Executive for International Affairs in the National Union of Students in Norway; board member in the Norwegian State Educational Loan Fund and board member in the Center for Internationalization of Higher Education (SIU) (2009-2010); Studying master in Law programme at the University of Oslo.

Mateja Melink:In 2010 she graduated at the Faculty of Social Sciences University of Ljubljana. Currently, Mateja Melink is a researcher at the faculty and involved into DEHEMS project - Network for the Development of Higher Education Management Systems which addresses all key groups of higher education: students, researchers, policymakers, employers and primarily higher education management staff and explores which factors in various professional domains determine a graduate's early career success. She was also actively involved in HEGESCO project - Higher education as a generator of strategic competences, and in several national projects from the field of vocational education and training.

Klemen Miklavic is an assistant researcher at the Centre for Educational Policy Studies, University of Ljubljana. He obtained both his university diploma, followed by a research degree in social sciences, at the University of Ljubljana. His work has been devoted to the field of higher education policy for more than a decade, dating back to student activism. After graduation, he continued to work as a consultant, expert or free lance researcher for a number of NGOs, intergovernmental organizations and research centres, such as Spark, Council of Europe, Centre for Education Policy in Belgrade etc. During 2008 - 2009 he was employed at the OSCE Mission in Kosovo as a senior adviser responsible for higher education and ethnic minority issues. He has continued since then to nurture his interests in the role and meaning of higher education in society, especially in (post)conflict settings.

For thirty years Riel Miller's work has concentrated on how to use the future to assess and direct the potential for socio-economic transformation in the private and public sectors. He started his career at the OECD Economics Department in 1982 and has worked as a Senior Manager in the Ontario Civil Service (Ministries of Finance; Universities; Industry) and for the International Futures Programme at the OECD for a decade. In 2005 Riel founded a specialized global consultancy, xperidox futures consulting, that helps clients to use the future strategically. His clients range from the Governments of Ireland, UK, Norway, Scotland, Finland, Canada, Korea, Singapore, Romania, France, etc. to international organizations like the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), the Organization for Cooperation and Development (OECD), the European Commission and the United Nations Development Program to private companies like Cisco Systems, Philips, Alstom, Gemalto, Poyry, Promethean, etc. to regional governments like the state of Catalonia, province of Ontario, etc.. Riel is widely published on topics ranging from the future of: the global economy, the financial sector, the internet, education systems, social equity, etc.. Riel holds a PhD in Economics from the New School for Social Research, New York. He teaches around the world and is currently a faculty member in the Master of Public Affairs, Sciences-Po, Paris, France. Riel is also a board member of the Association of Professional Futurists and a Fellow of the World Futures Studies Federation. For a full list of publications, employment and speaking engagements see:

Roberto Moscati Professor of Sociology of Education at the University of Milano-Bicocca. Has been affiliated to the Universities of Catania, Trieste, Milano. Studied Sociology at Northwestern University (M.A.), and Education at Harvard University (Ed.M.). has been visiting scholar at the University of California, Berkeley, Stanford University and UCLA. Has been member of the editorial board of "Higher Education", "European Journal of Education" and "Tertiary Education and Management". He is currently member of the "Bologna Promoters" (Italian section).

Kai Muehleck works as senior researcher at the Hanover-based HIS-Institute for Research on Higher Education. Currently, he is leading an international research project on equitable access to higher education (EquNet) and an international research project on tracking of students and graduates (TRACKIT!). Moreover he is responsible for the acquisition of international projects and research collaborations. His areas of interest are social inequality, comparative higher education, and social science methods. Kai Muehleck studied political science, economics, and sociology at the Universities of Heidelberg (DE) and Manchester (UK), graduating at Heidelberg in 2001 (M.A.). 2001-08 he worked as researcher and lecturer at Humboldt-University (DE). In 2007 he graduated from Humboldt-University with a doctorate in sociology.

Pusa Nastase is a doctoral candidate at the University of Bristol' Graduate School of Education. She hold s a BA from the Law Faculty of the University of Bucharest and an MA in Human Rights from Central European University. Her research interests include university governance and funding in Eastern Europe, universities' relations with the corporate sector, internal and external communications in universities and university branding. She is the Program Manager of Higher Education Management and Policy Workshop Series at Central European University and an experienced trained in higher education issues.

Allan Pall is a political science student from Estonia and the Chairperson of the European Students' Union (ESU) since July 2011, having previously been Vice-Chairperson. In 2007-09 he led social policy and student financing policy and research in the Federation of Estonian Student Unions (EUL) and has been involved in the EUROSTUDENT project in Estonia. Before being elected Chairperson, he has been coordinating the work of ESU on EU policies and Quality Assurance.

Catherine Paradeise is currently Professor of Sociology at the University Paris Est- Marne-la-Vallee and member of the research center Laboratoire Techniques, Territoires et Societes-CNRS/ UMLV/Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussees (LATTS). She chairs the new French 'Research, Innovation and Society Research Institute' (IFRIS). She has held positions as Deputy director at the CNRS Deparment of Social sciences and Humanities and at the Ecole Normale superieure de Cachan. She is involved as an expert in several journals, programs, French and European agencies. Her current research focuses on research and higher education Policy and organization.

Eur Ing Emeritus Professor James A Powell OBE, DSc, CEng, BSc, MSc, PhD, AUMIST, FIOA, FIMgt, FCMI, FRSA, FCIOB,. FASI, MInst D., MInstKT UK, Academic Director of the PASCAL Universities for a Modern Renaissance Programme, Ambassador for Social Entrepreneurship in Higher Education and Ambassador for the Leonardo European Corporate Learning Awards Director of UPBEAT, UPBEAT (Manchester) Ltd and Smart City Futures and Member of the New Club of Paris.
He is a Chartered European Engineer with specialisation in Design, Academic Enterprise, Human Communications and Team Building. He is currently acting as a Senior Advisor to the Aalto Camp for Societal Innovation and is an Ambassador for the Leonardo European Corporate Learning Awards. He is presently developing his notion of "Universities for a Modern Renaissance" for, and with, the Board Members of the PASCAL International Observatory for place management, social capital and learning regions. For the past thirty years he has been researching into all aspects of communication and the mid-career education of professionals especially those in the construction industry. He has designed, directed and produced a number of national/European award winning multi-media learning packages. He has also been responsible for developing effective professionals' learning strategy based upon a fourfold model of learning.

Viorel Proteasa is a doctoral student at the National School for Political and Administrative Sciences in Bucharest, focusing on diversity in higher education. He holds a Master and a Bachelor in Physics. He also works as a member of the Bologna Process Secretariat, His main responsibilities are on topics related to transparency tools in higher education, quality assurance, the link between teaching and research and financing of higher education. He benefits of a sholarship granted within the programme "Doctoral scholarships for the development of a knowledge based society - BDSC", financed through the Sectoral Operational Programme Human Resources Development - POS DRU.

Cornelia Racke works as independent consultant & event manager specialising in matters related to the Bologna Process. 2007-2010, she was part of the Bologna Secretariat and she is writing a doctoral thesis on the Bologna Process at Maastricht University (NL), where she worked as researcher 2003-2007. Previously, she organised seminars at the European Academy Berlin. She holds an MA in European Integration from Bradford University (UK) and a BA in European Studies from Osnabruck University (DE).

Fabrice Roubelat is an Associate Professor at the University of Poitiers. He has published many papers in the field of scenario planning in journals such as Futures, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Long Range Planning and the Journal of Futures Studies. He is a board member of the French Institute of Strategy and Conflicts and is the editor of Prospective et Strategie.

Ana-Maria Sandi Former lead Education Specialist at the World Bank. Has worked in Europe and Central Asia. helds a Phd in Matematics.

Ms Chripa Schneller joined the Asia-Europe Foundation (ASEF) as Special Advisor for its higher education initiative, the ASEM Education Hub (AEH), in 2009, with a focus on the development of AEH's overall strategy and outreach. In this capacity, she is assisting ASEF to promote mutual understanding and cooperation in higher education between Asia and Europe, e.g. via an international series of expert seminars (the "Asia-Europe Education Workshops") and the series of ASEM Rectors' Conferences. Ms Schneller is currently pursuing a PhD on the participation of students with an immigrant background in tertiary education in Germany. Before joining ASEF, she was Policy Officer at the Academic Cooperation Association (ACA) in Brussels, where she was in charge of various European Commission projects aiming at improving availability and accessibility of European higher education.

Jordi Serra del Pino Founder and director of Periscopi de prospectiva i estrategia, Jordi Serra has a long career as futurist. He is a fellow of the World Futures Studies Federation and, at present time, vice-president of its Iberoamerican Chapter. He is also a member of Futures international editorial Board. He is the responsible of the Prospectirisc research line in the Centre in Risk Governance at the Barcelona Autonomous University.

Eliot Sorel, M.D., D.L.F.A.P.A., is an internationally recognized medical leader, educator, health systems policy adviser and practicing physician. He has professorial appointments in Global Health, Health Services Management and Leadership in the School of Public Health as well as in Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences in the School of Medicine at George Washington University. Dr. Sorel is the Founder of the Conflict Management & Conflict Resolution Section of the World Psychiatric Association and of the World Youth Democracy Forum at the Elliott School of International Affairs of the George Washington University. He is the Senior Adviser to the Ion Ratiu Democracy Award at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars in Washington, D.C.
Dr. Sorel is a former President of the Medical Society of the District of Columbia, the World Association for Social Psychiatry, the Washington Psychiatric Society and has served as a United States National Institutes of Health/Fogarty International Center grants reviewer. He is a Life Member of the American Medical Association, a Fellow of the American College of Psychiatrists, and a Distinguished Life Fellow of the American Psychiatric Association. He did his psychiatric training at Yale University, obtained his B.A. from New York University, and M.D. from the State University of New York. He has developed and led health systems in North America and the Caribbean, has consulted and taught in more than twenty countries in Africa, Asia, Europe and the Americas. Dr. Sorel is the author of more than sixty scientific papers and book chapters and the editor of six books.

Ulrich Teichler - Professor at the International Centre for Higher Education Research (INCHER-Kassel), University of Kassel, Germany, since 1978 and Director of the Centre for 16 years. Born in 1942; study of sociology; researcher at the Max Planck Institute for Educational Research, Berlin (1968-1978); dissertation on higher education and social selection in Japan; vice president of the University of Kassel (1980-1982). Visiting scholar in Japan (1970-1972) and the Netherlands (1985-1986); professor on part-time or short-term basis at the Northwestern University, Evanston-Illinois, U.S. (1986-1992), College of Europe, Bruges, Belgium (1994-1996) and Hiroshima University, Japan (2004); visiting professor of the Open University, UK, (2007-); altogether visits of about 80 countries.
More than 1,000 academic publications; key research areas: higher education and the world of work, international comparison of higher education systems, and international cooperation and mobility in higher education; additionally: education and social selection, the academic profession, access and admission, continuing professional education, and evaluation in higher education. Member (and coordination functions) of the International Academy of Education and of the Academia Europaea; founding chairman of the Consortium of Higher Education Researchers (CHER) and former president and distinguished member (2003-) of EAIR. Doctor honoris causa of the University of Turku, Finland (2006); sponsor of the Ulrich-Teichler Prize for the best doctoral and master theses in Germany on higher education.

Colin Tuck - I have been working with EQAR since October 2007, initially as Project Manager on behalf of the E4 (ENQA, ESU, EUA and EURASHE) and later as its Director. Prior to joining EQAR, I was involved in quality assurance-related topics as a member of the European Students' Union's (ESU, formerly ESIB) Bologna Process Committee.

Dr. A.P. van der Mei is an Ass. Prof of EU law. In his research he focuses on the impact which European law and policy has on national social systems, including social security, healthcare and education (including student financial aid). His publication list includes 4 books and some 150 other publications.

Oliver Vettori is head of Quality Management & Program Delivery at WU (Vienna University of Economics and Business) and the co-founder/coordinator of the Quality Management and Quality Development Network of the Austrian Universities. He is regularly working as a teacher, trainer and consultant in the fields of QA and Teaching & Learning and has frequently contributed to the European Quality Assurance Forum.

Philine Warnke joined the Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research ISI in 2008 and is coordinating the Institute's Foresight research group since 2011. From 2005-2007 she was a senior researcher within the "European Foresight" group of the "Institute for Prospective Technological Studies" JRC-IPTS in Sevilla. Her educational background is in mechanical engineering and in sociology of technology where her PhD was situated. Philine's research is focusing on Foresight, innovation policy. I have been involved in the mutual learning on Foresight of the QLHE project and would like to exchange on the findings and lessons learned.

Hans de Wit is Professor (lector) of Internationalization of Higher Education at the School of Economics and Management of the Hogeschool van Amsterdam, University of Applied Sciences and Senior Policy Advisor International of the Hogeschool van Amsterdam. He is the Co-Editor of the "Journal of Studies in International Education" (Association for Studies in International Education/SAGE publishers). In my position of professor of Internationalization of Higher Education I have done research on the themes which will be addressed at the conference and so it will be interesting to exchange experiences, research data and discuss papers on the theme.

Professor Marian Zulean, PhD in (Military) Sociology from University of Bucharest, holds a Master in International Affairs, University of Pittsburgh and a postdoctoral Fulbright Scholarship at the University of Maryland, Department of Sociology. As an academic he teaches Public Policy Analysis, National Security Policy Formulation, International Security and Military Sociology. He is a coordinator of the WP "Vision and Strategy" for the project "Quality and Leadership for Romanian HE".
Among his latest international publications: "The impact of globalization on public policies for sustainable development" in Management of Technological Changes (MTC 2011) Proceedings; "From National, Through Regional, To Universal... The Security Sector Reform in Romania" co-autor, in Global Determinants of Defense Reform, T. Bruneau and H. Trinkunas (eds.), 2008, "The military in post-communist countries in transition", in Social Sciences and the Military, G. Caforio (Ed), Routledge Publishing House; "Civil-Military Cultural Gap in Romania", in Military Missions and their Implications Reconsidered: The Aftermath of September 11th , G. Caforio and G. Kummel (Eds), Elsevier (Greenwich, CT: JAI Press, 2005). He is a member of such institutions like the Inter-University Seminar on Armed Forces and Society (IUS), Brzezinski Scholar Program, RC01 of International Sociological Association and ERGOMAS.

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