
Conference papers

Each parallel session will include two/three papers presented by authors (approx. 20 minutes) and a Q&A Session for each paper

Furthering the internationalization of higher education: particular challenges in the EHEA

Thematic coordinators:

Hans de WitCenter for International Higher Education (CIHE) at Boston College, USA

Ligia Deca, New Europe College

  1. Alliance Formation in Higher Education: a study of the European Universities Initiative, Andrew Gunn, (University of Leeds, UK)
  2. How do Romanian universities promote their educational offer and what mechanisms are used to attract international students?, Cristina Ramona Fiț (Executive Agency for Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovation Funding, Romania)
  3. Addressing Careers Service Internationalization challenges through transnational consortia, Jérôme Rickmann, Adriana Perez-Encinas, Nadia Fernández-de-Pinedo (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain
  4. Internationalization of higher education in Romania and Portugal – strategies and transitions at the periphery, Ligia Deca (New College Europe)
  5. Regional Mobility in Europe: The Importance of CEEPUS based on Hungarian Evidence, Peter Holicza (Tempus Public Foundation, Hungary)
  6. Drivers for Internationalization in Georgian Higher Education, Pușa Năstase (Central European University, Austria)
  7. Does international student mobility increase graduate employability? The labor market outcomes of Erasmus students, Daniela Crăciun (Bard College Berlin, Germany), Kata Orosz (Central European University, Austria), Viorel Proteasa (West University of Timisoara, Romania)
  8. Integration Policy for Syrian Refugees` Access to Turkish Higher Education: Inclusive Enough? Hakan Ergin (Istanbul University, Turkey), Hans de Wit (Boston College, USA)
  9. The role of demographic policies in the internationalization of Romanian higher education, Robert Santa and Cezar Mihai Hâj (Executive Agency for Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovation Funding, Romania)


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Access and success for every learner in higher education 

Thematic coordinators:

David CrosierEurydice

Cezar Haj, Executive Agency for Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovation Funding, Romania (UEFISCDI)

  1. Access to and experiences of higher education across Europe: the impact of social characteristics, Rachel Brooks (University College London, UK), Jessie Abrahams (University of Bristol, UK), Predrag Lazetic (University of Bath, UK), Achala Gupta (University College London, UK) and Sazana Jayadeva (University College London, UK)
  2. What does it take to build a social dimension strategy?  A cross-country comparative analysis of Romania and Austria, Simona Torotcoi (Central European University, Austria/Hungary
  3. Networked in or networked out? What can we learn from diverse learners’ experiences of progressing with and completing doctoral studies? Maeve O’ Regan (Trinity College Dublin, Ireland)
  4. What works for underrepresented groups? Identifying effective measures for enhancing access to higher education in Europe, Simona Torotcoi (Central European University, Austria), Anastasia Kurysheva (University Medical Center Utrecht, The Netherlands) and Delia Gologan (University of Bucharest, Romania)
  5. Which person is presumed to fit the institution? How refugee students’ and practitioners’ discursive representations of successful applicants and students highlight transition barriers to German higher education, Jana Berg (German Centre for Higher Education Research and Science Studies, Germany)
  6. Syrian University Students in Turkish Higher Education: Immediate Vulnerabilities, Future Challenges, Armağan Erdoğan (University of Ankara, Turkey) and Murat Erdoğan (Turkish-German University, Turkey)
  7. ROSE Project main findings, Cristina Ghitulica (Ministry of Education and Research, Romania)
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Advancing learning and teaching in the EHEA: innovation, links with research, and cooperation with the ERA (Therese Zhang, Romita Iucu)

Thematic coordinators:

Michael Gaebel, European University Association

Therese ZhangEuropean University Association

Romita Iucu, University of Bucharest

  • Recognizing student activism. Analyzing practices in recognizing informal learning in the EHEA, Marita Gasteiger and Janine Wulz
  • Assessing students’ perspective on teaching and learning. The case of national students’ surveys, Ștefan Marius Deaconu (University of Bucharest, Romania), Roland Olah (University of Oradea, Romania), Cezar Mihai Haj (Executive Agency for Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovation Funding, Romania)
  • Innovative EU training/career development programmes for young researchers – Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions as a tool for strengthening ERA and EHEA, Anca-Adriana Cucu and Patricia Elena Rischitor (European Commission, Research Executive Agency)
  • Closing the Circle: Research and Policy-making in Higher Education, Simona Iftimescu (University of Bucharest, Romania), Carmen Proteasa (University of Bucharest, Romania), Georgeta Ion (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain), Romiță Iucu (University of Bucharest, Romania), Elena Marin (University of Bucharest, Romania) and Mihaela Stîngu (University of Bucharest, Romania)
  • The Integration of Experiential Learning in Higher Education Institutions – An Assessment of The Romanian Universities, Mihaela V. Cărăuşan, (National University of Political Studies and Public Administration, Bucharest, Romania)
  • Exploratory strategies on research mobilization in training of academics, Roxana Zus, (University of Bucharest, Romania)
  • Perspectives of Higher Education Language Policy Development in Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine and Policy-Driven Research, Lusine Fljyan (Northern University, Armenia)
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The future of the EHEA – principles, challenges and ways forward 

Thematic coordinators:

Liviu MateiCentral European University

Sjur Bergan, Council of Europe

  1. Taking Stock of the Bologna Process at 20. The Possibilities and Limits of Soft Law Governance, Ligia Deca (New Europe College, Romania) and Robert Harmsen (University of Luxembourg)
  2. A Possible Conceptual Basis for the Future Higher Education World, Ann Katherine Isaacs (University of Pisa, Italy)
  3. Toward a Permanent Bologna Secretariat? Sjur Bergan (Council of Europe) and Irina Geantă (Executive Agency for Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovation Funding, Romania)
  4. Re-thinking a new educational model suitable for 21st Century needs, Tim Birtwistle (Leeds Beckett University, UK) and Robert Wagenaar (University of Groningen, The Netherlands)
  5. The future of EHEA – New challenges for quality assurance in higher education, Oana Sârbu (University of Bucharest, Romania)
  6. Quo vadis EHEA: balancing structural continuation and political variety, Peter Maassen (University of Oslo, Norway), Jens Jungblut (University of Oslo, Norway) and Mari Elken (Nordic Institute for Studies on Innovation, Norway)
  7. Autonomy, efficiency and effectiveness – opportunities for higher education: a pilot study, Veronika Kupriyanova, Enora Bennetot Pruvot and Thomas Estermann (European University Association)
  8. Liviu Matei (Central European University)
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Bologna Process in the global higher education arena. Going digital? 

Thematic coordinators:

Dominic Orr, Kiron Open Higher Education, Germany

Adrian CurajExecutive Agency for Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovation Funding, Romania (UEFISCDI)

  1. Fostering digital skills and competencies through discursive mapping of information landscapes, Andrew Whitworth (University of Manchester, UK)
  2. Distant partners: A case study of Global Virtual Teams between Spain and South Korea, Enrique Planells-Artigot (ESIC Business & Marketing School, Spain) and Santiago Moll-Lopez (Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain)
  3. Higher Education Institutions Towards Digital Transformation – The WUT Case, Gabriela Grosseck, Laura Malița and Mădălin Bunoiu (West University of Timișoara, Romania)
  4. Digitalisation paths: a case study of Eastern European initiatives in e-research, Mădălina Chitez, Roxana Rogobete and Alexandru Foitoș (West University of Timișoara, Romania)
  5. “Bologna Digital” – Actively Shaping the Digital Transformation in European Higher Education, Florian Rampelt (Stifterverband / Hochschulforum Digitalisierung, Germany), Alexander Knoth (German Academic Exchange Service, Germany) and Dominic Orr (Kiron Open Higher Education, Germany)
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