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The Future of Higher Education – Bologna Process Researchers’ Conference (FOHE-BPRC4)

29 – 31 January 2020, Bucharest

The Executive Agency for Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovation Funding (UEFISCDI), in partnership with University Politehnica of Bucharest (UPB), the National University of Political Studies and Public Administration (SNSPA) and University of Bucharest (UB) will organise the fourth edition of the” Future of Higher Education – Bologna Process Researchers’ Conference” (FOHE-BPRC4), in Bucharest, Romania on 29 – 31 January 2020.

The Future of Higher Education – Bologna Process Researchers Conference (FOHE-BPRC) has already established itself as a landmark in the European higher education environment. While acknowledging the efforts and achievements so far at EHEA level, the Paris Ministerial Communiqué highlights the need to “intensify cross-disciplinary and cross-border cooperation”. One of the ways to achieve this objective is to develop more efficient peer-learning activities, involving policymakers and other stakeholders from as many member states as possible.

2020 marks 21 years of Bologna Process and 10 years of EHEA. It is a good moment to not only look in the past and reflect on all that was achieved but more importantly, to shape directions for the following years. With the Paris Communiqué, the BFUG has already been mandated with putting forward priorities for the next decade, however these would benefit from a wider input throughout the entire higher education community.

The conference is part of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) official calendar of events and conferences, promoting and sustaining the development of EHEA. It aims at providing a unique forum for dialogue between researchers, experts and policy makers in the field of higher education. The 2012 volumes have been included in the top 25% most downloaded publications on the Springer website, with approximately 100,000 downloads. The 2015 volumes were made available in open-access format again also on Springer website and as a result the publication was in the top 3 most downloaded publications on education with over 570,000 downloads, while the 2018 volumes were also made available in open-access format, with around 150,000 downloads. The volumes from all three editions of the conference are indexed in the ISI/Web of Science.

FOHE – BPRC 2020

over 85 k downloads


FOHE – BPRC 2017

Research volumes with over 550.000 downloads


FOHE – BPRC 2014

Research volumes in top 3 most downloaded publications on education  (1,2 million downloads)


FOHE – BPRC 2011

Research volumes in top 25% most downloaded Springer e-books


View the Programme

BPRC DAY 1        BPRC DAY 2        BPRC DAY 3

About the Bologna Process Researchers’ Conference,

Fourth edition

The fourth edition of the “Future of Higher Education – Bologna Process Researchers’ Conference” (FOHE-BPRC4), will be organized in Bucharest, Romania on 29 – 31 January 2020.

The academic papers that will be presented during the conference will tackle one of the five proposed sub-themes of the event:

Following the open call for authors, published on the official website, the Editorial Board will select approximately 30 papers that will be presented at the conference and further published in a research volume, this being part of the background documents of the 2020 EHEA Ministerial Conference in Rome.
Participation in the event is open for all those interested, within the limits set by logistic capacity. No participation fee is required.

Until the Bologna Process Researchers’ Conference