Among the top most downloaded workpapers of the 2013 Springer ebook collection
”European Higher Education at the Crossroads – between the Bologna Process and National Reforms” was one of the top 25% most downloaded eBooks in the relevant Springer eBook Collection in 2013, with 17700 downloads since its online publication (March 2012). Moreover, its appreciation was indicated also by the numerous citations by publications of prestigious publishing houses like Springer, Elsevier and Taylor & Francis.
The two volumes of the open access publication represent a selection of the papers presented at the “Future of Higher Education – Bologna Process Researchers’ Conference” organized in 2011, by UEFISCDI. The event gathered approximately 200 participants from more than 30 countries and was organised as a preparatory event for the 2012 EHEA Ministerial Conference that was organized in Bucharest, which brought together higher education researchers, leading academics, students and policy makers in the field of Higher Education in order to discuss the future of higher education in the context of EHEA. It was widely recognised to be the first event facilitating structured dialogue between researchers and policy makers in higher education from the 47 EHEA member states and beyond. The results of the conference were part of the EHEA Ministerial Conference background documentation, thus the two research volumes were distributed among its participants and disseminated among relevant research and stakeholder networks.
The two research volumes were co-edited by Adrian Curaj, Peter Scott, Lazar Vlasceanu and Lesley Wilson (ISBN: 978-94-007-3936-9 (Print) 978-94-007-3937-6 (Online)) and are still available on SpringerLink (here).
Considering the positive feedback received, both from researchers and the policy makers, UEFISCDI is currently organizing the second edition of the “Future of Higher Education: Bologna Process Researchers’ Conference”, on 24-26 November 2014, in Bucharest. The upcoming event proposes nine thematic areas for discussion: internationalization; financing and governance; excellence and diversification of higher education institutions’ missions; student centred learning / teaching and learning; social dimension / equity; education, research and innovation; quality assurance; EHEA at the crossroads: Bologna Process and the future of higher education; evidence-based policies in HE: data analytics, impact assessment and reporting. Selected papers resulting from the conference will be also published, similar to the first edition, in two research volumes in partnership with an international publishing house. Details about the call for papers and the conference are available on the event website (FOHE-BPRC 2).